More Zelda Info - Wedensday, November, 26th, 2003
Sorry it has been so long since the last update. But check out the Zelda News for cool new information on the latest Zelda stuff!
Challenges - Wednesday, October, 1st, 2003
If you have any challenges or scores to beat for the Zelda Games please send them in. But with all scores to beat to put them up I need some proof. So please upload a photo and E-Mail it. Thanks!
Wind Waker Guide - Thursday, September, 25th, 2003
That's right! We have our first Wind Waker FAQ / Walkthrough today! Hooray! It has been submitted by kylohk. I will have two of my guides put up soon and The challenges pages are coming along. : ) On the bad news the Zelda: Choose your own adventure game has fallen behind schedule and will not be up for a while. : ( But to finish up on a good note if you haven't read the Zelda News at the bttom of the page the Four Sword is coming to Gamecube! : ) (Sorry about the use of smilies ; )
Lots Happening - Tuesday, September, 23rd, 2003
I have put up two new guides. An Ocarina of Time Heart Piece Guide (by me) and another Ocarina of Time FAQ / Walkthrough by Zauron. Just to note that Coffee's Ocarina of Time FAQ / Walkthrough is not currently working but it will be back up within the next few days. I also have two more of my own in-depth guides to put up and I have been working on the Choose your own adventure game which will still be a little while before it is up and running. Finally I will soon be adding a "Zelda Challenges" page for each game which will include some extra challenges for you to achive.